Saturday, February 04, 2023

Some interesting things of a blog

Well... I was reading some of my previous writings (with a lot of spam comments btw!) and I found this post I wrote in 2005. Well, interestingly enough, this parabole of the 'ten talents' follows me over life. And, in 2018, I decided to 'use' them. I left the corporate world and got my Ph.D. Am I happy with my decision? Definitely! Was it a straightforward decision, something easy to live with? Not really... You don't see people around you throwing away a (successful, some may say...) career and go to study. But I did it.

And I am happy with my decision.  

Back to business

 Well, it has been quite a long time since I wrote my last post. As I mentioned before, this is the place where I compose in English. Basically, as a form of practicing the language. 

Perhaps I should change the title of this blog. I sold my motorcycle in 2011. And since then I've been scarcely riding. But I still love bikes. And I will probably get another one sometime, although I believe that a 52 y.o. guy is quite old for a biker. Yes, pure prejudice.